Parangkusumo beach ( Pantai Parangkusumo) ------------- Jogjakarta, Indonesia

.......... Indonesia has too many myth stories, from sabang till merauke province has a special myth or legend that connected with a particular place. Parangkusumo beach, the other amazing beach in Jogjakarta that has a strong magic atmosphere beside a natural and beautiful view. Parangkusumo beach located at least 30 km...
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Drini Beach ( Pantai Drini ) ------- Ngestirejo, Tanjung Sari, Gunung Kidul Jogjakarta, Indonesia

........... Drini Beach,, located at Ngestirejo, Tanjung Sari, Gunung Kidul Jogjakarta.Drini beach has exotic view because it surrounded by very beautiful and natural reefs. The Features of this coast there are coral islands which grow Drini trees and reputedly the wood can be used as an antidote to rattlesnake. Drini...
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Sepanjang Beach ( Pantai Sepanjang ) -------------- Wonosari, Gunung Kidul, Jogjakarta, Indonesia

uhmmmmmm..... Jogjakarta,, amazing city that has various tourism places... after we had step on baron, krakal, kukup and other beach before,this time we are landing on Sepanjang Beach. the other amazing place to visited. prepare your self and....LETS GO...... ^_^it located at Wonosari, Gunung Kidul,Jogjakarta,Central Java....
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