Blendung Beach ( Pantai Blendung) -------- pemalang, Central Java, Indonesia

Central Java has many resorts, the tourism mountains, beaches, culinary to cultural tourism.the other one is Blendung beach, it located in pemalang city, precisely located in the Blendung Village,Ulujami, Pemalang, or about 26 KM north east of the Pemalang Capital City . Accessing to the Blendung beach attractions is easy,...
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Widarapayung Beach ( Pantai Widarapayung)------- Cilacap, central Java, Indonesia

Widarapayung BeachTo get accessing into Widarapayung Beach is very easy. we can use public transport bus Cilacap - Gombong or personal vehicle because it is located in the South Cross Road - South.From the east: across the border Kebumen (Logending Beach) - Cilacap (jetis Beach) Bridge crossing Bodo river - to the west -...
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Jetis Beach ( Pantai Jetis)--------- Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia

Cilacap, a small town which has many tourist beaches, the other one is Jetis Beach. it located at Jetis village sub Nusuwangu. This beach has a unique location and strategic because it nearer with the Logending beach, Kebumen. This beach stretches along the nearly 3 km and has a 2 entrance locations. If this entrance, visitors...
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Petanahan beach ( Pantai Petanahan) ------- Kebumen city, Central Java, Indonesia

Kebumen city, small town in central Java is interesting. has many natural tourist beautiful.the other one is petanahan Beach, the place that you must visit if you're on kebumen city.LocationPetanahan beach is located 17 Km Southwest Kebumen City. its very easy to accessing to the this place. With big waves, Petanahan Beach...
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