Tambakrejo beach ( pantai tambakrejo) ---------- Blitar, east java, Indonesia

Tambakrejo beach is located approximately 30 km from the Blitar town, precisely in the Tambakrejo village wonotirto district which has a beautiful place that is not less with the other beach resort in Indonesia. The visitors can enjoy the beauty of the south coast waves, and can enjoy the sunrise and the sunset was so gorgeous.in...
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PNPP ( pelabuhan perikanan nusantara pekalongan) beach ----- Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia

Pekalongan, a small town in central Java that has many natural attractions. PNPP ( pelabuhan perikanan nusantara pekalongan) beach is the other ones. It resort located at the mouth of the pekalongan harbor is include a new resort, where many buildings are still in development.PNPP is located close to the Pasir kencana beach,...
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Teleng Ria Beach ( Pantai Teleng Ria) ----- Pacitan, east Java, Indonesia

Pacitan, one of East Java town in the famous city of the 1001 caves have a lot of beach tourism, one often visited by tourist is Teleng Ria beach. The distance is about 5 minutes from downtown Pacitan, access to get there very easy.You can use city buses or other vehicles.To entry costs about 10,000 rupiah. Teleng Ria beach...
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