The Srau coast ( Pantai Srau)----- Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia

The Srau coast was in the Village of Srau Pringkuku,Pacitan. The trip was to this coast followed around one hour through a complicated road to enter the teak forest and the rural house. the Srau coast possibly the tourist attraction that might not be passed by if we went on a trip to the Pacitan city....
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The Tanjung Papuma coast ( PAntai Papuma) ----Jember, East Java, Indonesia

The Tanjung Papuma coast (Papuma) was in the Sumberejo Village, Ambulu Jember, East Java, it rarely was visited by foreign and domestic tourists. In fact, plenty of beauty that was served by his nature. This white sand coast was located approximately 37 km to the south from the Jember City, or approximately 235 km from...
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Ngerenehan Beach ( Pantai Ngrenehan) ---- Gunung kidul, Jogjakarta

Was located in the village of Kanigoro, subdistrict of Saptosari, approximately 30 km on the south of the Wonosari city. A coast took the form of the gulf that was surrounded the carpet of lime hills and had the panorama that really mesmerised with the pounding of the wave jumped at white sand. The tourists could witness the...
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Ngobaran beach ( Pantai Ngobaran) ---- Gunung kidul, Jogjakarta

NGobaran beach that was located in the Kanigoro village the subdistrict of Saptosari, Gunungkidul Yogyakarta. It was the coast that still was natural and really great place.From Wonosari that was the Gunungkidul regency be at a distance around 35 km to the south. From the side of Yogyakarta around 65 km his distance to be...
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Parangtritis Coast (Pantai Parangtritis) ----- Jogjakarta, Indonesia

Parangtritis Coast, apart from being known to be natural by beauty of it coast, also was known as the place that has various legacies of the history. In a complex manner it consisted of the Parangtritis Coast, Parangkusumo, and the Gembirowati Plateau.In Parangkusumo, it was gotten the pond hot water pool (the sulfur) that...
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The Krakal coast ( Pantai Krakal) ----- Jogjakarta, Indonesia

The Krakal coast could be reached through the road along 6 kilometre from the region of the kukup coast, so as the Krakal coast was the trip link after visiting Baron's coast and the kukup coast. The distance of the Krakal coast from Yogyakarta approximately 65 kilometre and could be followed in time around 3 hours.The trip...
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Kukup Beach ( Pantai Kukup) ----- Jogjakarta, Indonesia

honestly , the scenery in Kukup beach was far more beautiful compared to P. Baron. Because all along it coast, was served by scenery vertical's rock hill that really captured with several gaps underneath that was similar to the cave.while enter this coast, I was welcomed by several sellers of the fish that offered various...
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Baron Coast ( Pantai Baron) ----- Jogjakarta, Indonesia

Yogyakarta did not only have the Parangtritis Coast, but also several beautiful coasts, that is Baron's Coast, Pantai Kukup and the Krakal Coast. When going to Yogyakarta, I intended to visit two from three coasts, that is Baron's Coast and the Kukup Coast.Baron's coast was located around 2-3 hours or 65 kilometre from the...
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Teluk Penyu Beach ( Pantai Teluk Penyu) ----Cilacap, central java, Indonesia

it placed in south Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesiafor access to this place,you can take bi bus or others vehicle. it just at last 15 minutes from cilacap bus station, because only 5 km from bus station to beach location. But, if you start from cilacap city riding use taxi or car rent, its only 5 minute to reach the location...
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Marina Beach ( Pantai Marina) --- Semarang, Central Java

Grand Marina Beach is the recreation park. The coast that was supplemented with the swimming pool, Sky water, speed boat, and the play arena for the children. Opened every day on 24 hours .if we come to Marina coast, we could play Sky's jet and surfing , ride boat and the boat or only a relaxed rested while enjoying beauty...
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